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Interests - Architects invariably affect the mental well-being of people through their designs. To create better ‘physical spaces’ I’m interested in also studying the ‘mental spaces’ of people. I believe that good quality public realm is essential for a society to function, so I hope to do work focusing on urban design after graduating.

Favourite architect - Jan Gehl

Hobbies - Exploring cities and the countryside (either on foot or by bike); Photography, always try to carry a camera around with me (usually the trusty compact Canon s95 in a coat pocket)

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Interests - I am interested in how architecture can be used to facilitate change within people’s lives and how this can have a knock-on effect within society as a whole. I believe in a locally focused approach, where social involvement is used to drive the narrative of a project rather than agenda’s constructed by the architects themselves.
Favourite architect - Alvaro Siza

Hobbies – Cycle touring, camping, cooking, eating, gardening, painting and drawing, photography, listening to music, watching films and making stuff.

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Interests - My interest in architecture extends to how it can be used not only to improve people’s lives, but also to influence social policy and behaviours. I hope to go on to apply my architectural education/skillset in developing nations.

Favourite architect - Diebedo Francis Kere

Hobbies - Reading, running, cycling, swimming and making stuff.

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Interests – My main interests are construction and materiality. I’m attentive to the potential of building systems which use vernacular materials and local actors. I believe in the production of good architecture with little resources. I think that innovative design is produced in a context with scarce resources.

Favourite collective – Al Borde

Hobbies – Climbing, cooking, playing music, football, making stuff, drawing and travelling.

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As a collective, our experiences of architecture and the urban environment are shaped by our mode of transport- the bicycle. We feel our bikes each reflect our personalities and how we navigate the urban fabric we are in, daily. We also believe that cycling is key in any vision for the future of cities, not only for its environmental benefits but equally for its health benefits.

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