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3. Canal-side


Anchor 1


A proposed student accommodation building has proved controversial for the local residents. 


The student accommodation is likely to be approved. We have proposed an alternative massing, which integrates the site the rest of Stretford, as well as creating a route to the canal.

Unused Asset
The canal has high potential to become a well-used part of Stretford. This was one of the most mentioned issues from the engagement event.


Currently, there are few canal-side amenities, and few decent paths to the canal-side. Reversing this will encourage movement to areas along the canal.

What will this look like?

hover for current view

Anchor 2
Cafe do Cais, Porto
Anchor 3

Where has this been done before?

Spaansekade, Rotterdam

Cafes spill outside towards the waterfront, creating a dynamic and lively outdoor space, at all times of day.

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