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2. Road Priority Alteration

Anchor 1

The intersection is currently car dominated, with poor provision for other modes of transport. With a rearrangement of road spacing provision for each transport type, our proposal instead encourages public transport, cycling and walking. This will allow for more local and commuter travel that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.


(from engagement event)

Our proposal would be only the 2nd bus-based park+ride with Greater Manchester's outer ring road.

What will this look like?

hover for current view

Anchor 2
Anchor 3

Key Changes



Public Realm Precedence:
Superkilen, Copenhagen

A processional urban space, with plenty of green space. A mix of transport types are provided for, but priority is given to pedestrians and cyclists. 

Transport Precedence:
BRT, Curitiba

A bus rapid transit system, with dedicated bus infrastructure and priority, is a good alternative to full capacity trams.

This system is cheap and flexible to setup and run, and will create a good alternative for car commuters.

Where has this been done before?

Uffelen, C. Pedestrian zones: Car-free spaces [2015]

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